primet Product Diaphragm valve PBDV Series(Handle Type)

Diaphragm valve | PBDV Series(Handle Type)

PBDV series stands as Primet standard model of the mono-block type.
It has a body made of SUS316L (single melt) and is compatible with metal seal fitting (male & female).
Several flow patterns can be selected.

Model specifications for the order request.(Electropolishing is standard)

primet Product Diaphragm valve PBDV Series(Handle Type)

Example of Flow pattern and Fitting place

primet Product Diaphragm valve PBDV Series(Handle Type) primet Product Diaphragm valve PBDV Series(Handle Type)


Body SizeSize 1/4” Compact 1/4” Standard
Cv value 0.1 0.3
Max.Operating Pressure 1.0MPa(G)
Operating Temp. Range PCTFE : -10~60℃ / PFA, PI : -10~150℃
External Leakage Inboard ≦3×10-12 Pa・m3 /sec Helium
Across Seat PCTFE, PI :≦3×10-10 Pa・m3 /sec Helium
PFA :≦3×10-9 Pa・m3 /sec Helium


1/4” Compact Size 1/4”コンパクトSize

Model Fitting Size Fitting A B C D E F G H I
PBDVS-HH-□V□-4MMM 1/4″ Male Metal Seal 62.5 62.5 62.5 11 22 55 12 40 45
PBDVS-HH-□V□-4FFF 1/4″ Female Metal Seal 57.5 57.5 57.5 11 22 55 12 40 35

1/4” Standard Size 1/4”標準Size

Model Fitting Size Fitting A B C D E F G H I
PBDV-HH-□V□-4MMM 1/4″ Male Metal Seal 76.5 76.5 76.5 11 30 68 15 40 49
PBDV-HH-□V□-4FFF 1/4″ Female Metal Seal 64 64 64 11 30 68 15 40 39
※Specification are subjected to change without prior notice.