primet Product Diaphragm valve PBDV2 Series(Handle Type)

Diaphragm valve | PBDV2 Series(Handle Type)

PBDV2 series stands as Primet standard model of the mono-block type.
It has a body made of SUS316L (double melt) and is compatible with metal seal fitting (male & female).
Several flow patterns can be selected.

Model specifications for the order request.(Electropolishing is standard)

Example of Flow pattern and Fitting place


Body SizeSize 1/4” Compact 1/4” Standard
Cv value 0.1 0.3
Max.Operating Pressure 1.0MPa(G)
Operating Temp. Range PCTFE : -10~60℃ / PFA, PI : -10~150℃
External Leakage Inboard ≦3×10-12 Pa・m3 /sec Helium
Across Seat PCTFE, PI :≦3×10-10 Pa・m3 /sec Helium
PFA :≦3×10-9 Pa・m3 /sec Helium


1/4” Compact Size

Model Fitting Size Fitting A B C D E F G H I
PBDV2S-HH-□V□-4MMM 1/4″ Male Metal Seal 62.5 62.5 62.5 11 22 55 12 40 45
PBDV2S-HH-□V□-4FFF 1/4″ Female Metal Seal 57.5 57.5 57.5 11 22 55 12 40 35

1/4” Standard Size

Model Fitting Size Fitting A B C D E F G H I
PBDV2-HH-□V□-4MMM 1/4″ Male Metal Seal 76.5 76.5 76.5 11 30 68 15 40 49
PBDV2-HH-□V□-4FFF 1/4″ Female Metal Seal 64 64 64 11 30 68 15 40 39
※Specification are subjected to change without prior notice.